access property of an object using hash-vault-js

following the documentation of the hash-vault-js node package I am trying to use I should be able to get the token from the response using:

const token = await vault.loginWithAppRole(RoleId, SecretId).client_token;



returns undefined.
The full response is:

    client_token: 'hvs.CAESIBbqO37msc9GKEMnYLm0B40tSeA1VuOQtkOqzx4q47BTGh4KHGh2cy50MUZra3V4UFYwSXZNdkhaYjJPTEtMY2M',
    accessor: 'L321k60IkDv7QDJPS8yBurBM',
    policies: [ 'default' ],
    token_policies: [ 'default' ],
    metadata: { role_name: 'liveslowsailfast' },
    lease_duration: 1200,
    renewable: true,
    entity_id: '079a8b50-8177-f044-c99d-690ef269db9d',
    token_type: 'service',
    orphan: true,
    mfa_requirement: null,
    num_uses: 0

So the question now is: what is the correct way to retrieve the client_token value?