When using an HTML or tag, how is it possible in JavaScript or jQuery to know which field is being changed?
What I’m trying to do specifically is change the behavior of the tag when SHIFT or ALT are pressed. I’m actually using a tag with step=.001 to change milliseconds, but I would like for SHIFT to use a step=.01 and ALT to use a step=.1 or something along those lines, so this way I wouldn’t have to wait a while to reach the value I want to be reached.
The thing is, when I am changing, e.g., the seconds or the day with the keyboard’s arrow keys, I do not want step=.1 or step=.01; I want the day or seconds to change, not the milliseconds. I can’t get this to work.
(I know that the tag isn’t supported, but this HTML page is for my own personal use, not for production.)
(I have no clue how I could do that.)