how can I convert the ‘string’ from arrayBuffer to arrayBuffer again?

const filePath = path.join(pdfFolderPath, file);

// Read the PDF file
const fileData = await fs.readFile(filePath);

// Load the PDF document
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(fileData);
const arrayBuffer = await; // Save as ArrayBuffer

// Get the file name without extension
const nameWithoutExtension = path.basename(file, path.extname(file));

// Convert to Base64 string for JSON
  name: nameWithoutExtension, // Save without .pdf
  pdf: arrayBuffer.toString("base64"),

I have that pdf value as arrayBuffer.toString("base64").

const a = await pdfSearch(`${output[i]["field4"]}`, arrivalPdf);

// const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); // Get the PDF as an ArrayBuffer
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(a.pdf);

a.pdf is the string value that I get from converted value. I’ve been trying to convert it back to feed it to PDFDocument.load(). Stuck for like 3 days. Tried 10 different things that I could find here.

I know that this is very redundant question but I could not work it out after trying different stackoverflow solutions again and again :/

how can I change it to something that I can load it to PDFDocument.load() from pdf-lib?

I tried with atob but it did not work. Also, I am trying to do this on a browser without fetching anything. No server. Just from a plain html. I think I can use the package but many did not work too.