Encode text using base64 and AES

Im trying to decode data which is generated from this java script code:

    jeTV: (t, e, r) => {
        "use strict";
        r.d(e, {
            X: () => s
        var n = r("wIp5")
          , i = r.n(n)
          , s = (r("4Whi"),
        function(t, e) {
            var r = i().lib.WordArray.random(12).toString(i().enc.Base64)
              , n = i().AES.encrypt(t, i().enc.Utf8.parse(e), {
                iv: i().enc.Utf8.parse(r)
            return "".concat(r).concat(n.ciphertext.toString(i().enc.Base64))

My code :

def decrypt(encrypted_data, key):
    # Extract the Base64 IV and ciphertext
    iv_base64 = encrypted_data[:16]  # First 16 characters (Base64-encoded IV)
    ciphertext_base64 = encrypted_data[16:]  # The rest is the ciphertext

    # Use the Base64 string directly as IV, without decoding it back to bytes
    iv_bytes = iv_base64[:16].encode('utf-8')  # Get the first 16 chars of the Base64-encoded IV

    # Decode the ciphertext
    ciphertext = base64_decode(ciphertext_base64)

    # Create AES cipher object for decryption
    cipher = AES.new(key.encode('utf-8'), AES.MODE_CBC, iv_bytes)

    # Decrypt and unpad the plaintext
    plaintext = unpad(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext), AES.block_size)

    return plaintext.decode('utf-8')

but i got this error when run the program:

    plaintext = unpad(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext), AES.block_size)
  File "DvenvLibsite-packagesCryptoUtilPadding.py", line 95, in unpad
    raise ValueError("PKCS#7 padding is incorrect.")
ValueError: PKCS#7 padding is incorrect.

I checked the key and the Base64-decoded IV/ciphertext, and they seem to match what was generated during encryption. I printed the raw decrypted bytes, but I’m not sure if they are binary data or not.Any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue would be appreciated. Thanks!