Application alert pop-up not appearing when browser launched via playwright

self.browser = self.playwright.chromium.launch(
                headless = False,
                slow_mo = 2000,
                devtools= True,
        args = [
             "--allow-pre-commit-input" ,
        "--disable-browser-side-navigation","--disable-client-side-phishing-detection","--disable-default-apps" ,"--disable-dev-shm-usage","--disable-extensions",
        "--disable-features=VizDisplayCompositor","--disable-gpu","--disable-hang-monitor" ,"--disable-infobars" ,
        "--disable-popup-blocking" ,"--disable-prompt-on-repost","--disable-setuid-sandbox" ,"--disable-software-rasterizer","--disable-sync","--disable-web-security","--enable-automation",
        "--enable-logging ","--ignore-certificate-errors" ,"--log-level=0 "," --no-first-run",
        "--no-sandbox","--no-service-autorun","--password-store=basic","--proxy-bypass-list=*" ,"--proxy-server='direct://'","--remote-debugging-port=0" ,"--test-type" ,
        self._browser = BrowserType.create_browser(browser_type)
        self._context = self._browser.new_context(              
                no_viewport = True,
                 permissions=["geolocation", "notifications"],
         'name': 'name',
         'value': 'value',
         'domain': 'domain',
         'path': '/'
        self._page = self._context.new_page()
<input type="button" id="rules" name="rules" value="Rules" class="button-raised-primary" onclick="execute(this.form, 'rules');" accesskey="" style="">
<input type="button" id="marketReport" name="marketReport" value="Launch market report" class="button-raised-primary" onclick="execute(this.form, 'marketReport');" accesskey="" style="">
<input type="button" id="factReport" name="factReport" value="Launch fact report" class="button-raised-primary" onclick="execute(this.form, 'factReport');" accesskey="" style="">
<!-- BUTTONS END -->

This is how i am launching the playwright browser and navigating to pages and when clicked on certain buttons the expected alert pop-up is not coming but if i refresh the browser manually by pausing the execution the pop-up starts appearing on those button click.
Also have provided the HTML of those buttons
say When i click to marketReport button the alert pop-up should appear but through playwright browser nothing is happening.Also in console execute function is not searchable which if i search through manually launched browser it works fine.
Button clicks should throw alert pop-up every time.

I have tried modifying the args that we pass to browser during launch but it didnt work.the alert pop-up should open on clicking buttons without manual intervention