Ran into issues with JavaScript number game

Been trying to make a guessing game, I wanted to do a limit of 3 guesses but I don’t know, anyone got ideas

const minNum = 1;

const maxNum = 10;

const answer = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxNum - minNum + 1)) + minNum;

let attempts = 3;

let guess;

let running = true;

while (running) {


  guess = prompt(`Guess a number between ${minNum} - ${maxNum}`);

  guess = Number(guess);

  if (isNaN(guess)) {

    prompt("This number isn't valid");

  } else if (guess < minNum || guess > maxNum) {

    prompt("This number isn't valid");

  } else {


    if (guess > answer) {

      prompt("TOO HIGH, TRY AGAIN");

    } else if (guess < answer) {

      prompt("TOO LOW, TRY AGAIN");

    } else {

     prompt(`Correct, the number is ${answer}. it took you ${attempts} attempts!`);

      running = false;


