I am a beginner programmer who is studying to become a Fullstack web developer.
And I want to ask whether some of the skills I have learned are right to make me a beginner Fullstack web developer.
I made the website into several sections for study,
with the first part, namely FE, I studied reactJS and nextJS as the framework that I will use to create FE websites, and the second is the connector between FE and BE, I studied socket.io, because I was curious about realtime systems, and the third is BE, I studied nodeJS and expressJS as the framework that I will use to create BE, and the fourth is the connector between BE and DB, I use the module provided by the DB provider, and the fifth is DB, I use postgresql as the DB that I will use.
Is all that enough for me to become a beginner Fullstack web developer?
I am studying web development self-taught and I really need advice to develop my skills.