I am running up against the resource limit in my current cdk stack and need to refactor into a smaller stack. I want to do so without decoupling existing resources. This is especially true of my databases.
My current stack deploys one vpc containing a bastion host, an api gateway and corresponding lambda, a few dynamodb tables, and a neptune database, and configures all the necessary permissions. The api gateway in particular is eating up my entire resource limit.
To solve this issue, I want to refactor out pieces of my stack into a smaller stack. The resources declared in the refactored stacks (currently LambdaStack and ApiGatewayStack) are declared identically to the resources in the existing mono-stack. The refactored top level stack is shown below:
export class MyStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: MyStackProps | any) {
super(scope, id, props);
const { deploymentEnvironment } = props || { deploymentEnvironment: 'dev' };
const isDev = deploymentEnvironment === 'dev';
const vpcId = `NeptuneVPC${isDev ? 'Dev' : 'Prod'}`;
const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, vpcId, {
maxAzs: 2,
// subnetConfiguration: [
// {
// cidrMask: 24,
// name: 'public',
// subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC,
// },
// {
// name: 'private',
// subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS,
// },
// ],
const bastionName = `NeptuneBastionHost${isDev ? 'Dev' : 'Prod'}`;
const bastionHost = this.createBastionHost(
`key-pair-neptune-bastion-${isDev ? 'dev' : 'prod'}`,
const lambdaStack = new LambdaStack(this, 'LambdaStack', {
const apiGatewayStack = new ApiGatewayStack(this, 'ApiGatewayStack', {
const s3PublicBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, `my-${isDev ? 'dev' : 'prod'}-images`, {
blockPublicAccess: new s3.BlockPublicAccess({
blockPublicAcls: false,
blockPublicPolicy: false,
ignorePublicAcls: false,
restrictPublicBuckets: false,
objectOwnership: s3.ObjectOwnership.OBJECT_WRITER,
// S3
// Dynamo, Neptune, etc...
I’m particularly worried about orphaning or deleting existing resources, so I was wondering:
- Will the resources I’ve refactored to their own stack be deleted and redeployed? My instinct is yes.
- Will the resources that I’d left in the top level stack be left alone? This piece is especially important because they represent all my core databases.
- If I wanted to move the stateful resources (databases and buckets) to their own stacks without deletion and recreation, how could I do so?
At the root of this is the question: how does cdk decide whether a resource refers to an existing resource or a new resource?