Calling ASMX task based method with object parameter results in Unknown web method error

I have an async ASMX web method which works as expected when passing a simple string (I followed the excellent information provided by Stephen Cleary on this question Calling Task-based methods from ASMX

If I post a json object via an XmlHttpRequest to a sync method, this works OK (the object’s underlying type is Dictionary<string,object> but if I try to pass the same js object to the async version, I get the Unknown web method error, even though the WSDL indicates that the method MyDownload exists.

What am I doing wrong/missing?


        let jobUrl = '@Helpers.GetUrl(Request, "SiteService.asmx/MyDownload", false)'; //Fails
        //let jobUrl = '@Helpers.GetUrl(Request, "SiteService.asmx/MyTest", false)'; // Succeeds
        let tmp = {};
        tmp.myDownloadViewModel = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model));
        ajaxQuery(jobUrl, 'POST', 'json', tmp, function (result) {


using ...

namespace MyCompany.Namespace
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for SiteService1
    /// </summary>
    [WebService(Namespace = "")]
    [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
    public class SiteService : System.Web.Services.WebService
        public string MyTest(object myDownloadViewModel)
            var x = 1;

            return "ok";

        // Async webmethod info from Stephen Cleary
        private async Task<string> FooAsync(string patientId)

        public IAsyncResult BeginMyDownload(object myDownloadViewModel, AsyncCallback cb, object state)

        public string EndMyDownload(IAsyncResult res)
            return ((Task<string>)res).GetAwaiter().GetResult();