I am developing a “basic” extension (addon) in firefox to modify the request headers I followed the official documentation here (copy/paste but didn’t work) https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest/onBeforeSendHeaders#details_2 changed it to the example below and still can’t make it work.
In my manifest I am asking for all the permits mentioned in the documentation:
"permissions": [
let currentUserAgent = '';
function updateUserAgent(userAgent) {
currentUserAgent = userAgent;
console.log('User agent updated:', currentUserAgent); // User agent updated: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0
console.log("Registering onBeforeSendHeaders event listener..."); //Registering onBeforeSendHeaders event listener...
{ urls: ["<all_urls>"] },
["blocking", "requestHeaders"]
console.log(chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.hasListener(handleRequest)); //true
function handleRequest(details) {
console.log('Handling request:', details); //NO LOG
// Check if the 'user-agent' header exists
const userAgentHeader = details.requestHeaders.find(header => header.name.toLowerCase() === 'user-agent');
if (userAgentHeader) {
console.log('User-Agent header found:', userAgentHeader.value); //NO LOG
userAgentHeader.value = currentUserAgent;
console.log('User-Agent header updated:', userAgentHeader.value); //NO LOG
} else {
console.log('User-Agent header not found in the request headers.'); // NO LOG
return { requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders };
// Retrieve the saved user agent on startup
chrome.storage.local.get('userAgent', (data) => {
updateUserAgent(data.userAgent || 'Default User Agent');
// Listen for messages to update the user agent
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(message => {
if (message.action === 'updateUserAgent') {
Any ideas on how to make it work?
Other things I tried:
Changing the object chrome to browser, the result doesn’t change.
How do I know is not working?
When I go to the network tab the UA header hasn’t change. I also used burpsuite to capture the request and in fact the headers did not change.