I cannot send a variable with multiple values in Jquery

I have a code that generates dynamically table rows and I want to make that whenever the user clicks on a row it sends that information to a function and it process it in a modal.

The thing is that I am having trouble passing information, I’ve tried everything I know, even passing ASCII the special characters such as ‘.’ or ‘_’ but still cannot manage to make it.

The error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token (at AdminTab:1:14)

The program is taking the values as they were numbers and strings but I am parsing all of them to string always RESULT: acceptModal( 195Pending95User permission requested95gbilbao95gbilbao@gestamp46com95ES95Admin)

I provide the code of cshtml and jquery:

$(document).ready(function () {
        type: "GET",
        url: '/AdminTab/ShowAllUserPetitions',
        error: function () {
            //alert("An error occurred.");
        success: function (data, type, full) {          
            var IDPetition = {};
            var Status = {};
            var PetitionDate = {};
            var Description = {};
            var Username = {};
            var Email = {};
            var Domain = {};
            var Privilege = {};
            var newRowContent = ``;
            var newRowContentResolved = ``;
            var newRowContentUnResolved = ``;
            var counterUnResolved = 0;
            var counterResolved = 0;
            var counterConfirmed = 0;

            IDPetition = data.data.map(function (e) {
                return e.id_user_petition;
            Status = data.data.map(function (e) {
                return e.petition_status;
            PetitionDate = data.data.map(function (e) {
                return e.petition_date;
            Description = data.data.map(function (e) {
                return e.petition_description;
            Username = data.data.map(function (e) {
                return e.username;
            Email = data.data.map(function (e) {
                return e.email;
            Domain = data.data.map(function (e) {
                return e.domain;
            Privilege = data.data.map(function (e) {
                return e.privilege;

            let ASCIILowBar = "95";

            $.each(Privilege, function (key, value) {
                if (Status[key] == "Pending" || Status[key] == "Confirmed")

                    sendUserRequest = IDPetition[key].toString() + ASCIILowBar + Status[key].toString() + ASCIILowBar + Description[key].toString() + ASCIILowBar + Username[key].toString() + ASCIILowBar + Email[key].toLocaleString() + ASCIILowBar + Domain[key].toString() + ASCIILowBar + Privilege[key].toString();

                    do {
                        let indexofDot = sendUserRequest.indexOf('.');
                        let asciiValueDot = sendUserRequest.charCodeAt(indexofDot);
                        sendUserRequest = sendUserRequest.replace('.', asciiValueDot);
                    } while (sendUserRequest.indexOf('.') != -1);

                    //const sendContent = [IDPetition[key].toString(), Status[key].toString()/*, Description[key], Username[key], Email[key], Domain[key], Privilege[key]*/];
                    newRowContentUnResolved = newRowContentUnResolved +
                        `   <tr id = "` + IDPetition[key] + "_" + Status[key] + `" onclick="acceptModal( ` + sendUserRequest + `)">
                            <td class="text-center">
                                <h7 class="no-margin"> ` + PetitionDate[key] + ` <small class="display-block text-size-small no-margin"></small></h7>
                                <h6 class="no-margin">
                    if (Status[key] == "Pending") {
                        counterUnResolved = counterUnResolved + 1;
                        newRowContentUnResolved = newRowContentUnResolved + `
                        <div class="media-left media-middle">
                            <a href="#" class="button">
                                <i class="icon-circle2" style="color:#EE8A32"></i>
                        <div class="media-body">
                            <a href="#" class="display-inline-block text-default text-semibold letter-icon-title"> User Petition</a>
                            <div class="text-muted text-size-small"><h7 style="color:#EE8A32; font-weight:600">` + Status[key] + ` </h7></div>
                        counterConfirmed = counterConfirmed + 1;
                        newRowContentUnResolved = newRowContentUnResolved + `
                        <div class="media-left media-middle">
                            <a href="#" class="button">
                                <i class="icon-circle2" style="color:#57A7C8"></i> 
                        <div class="media-body">
                            <a href="#" class="display-inline-block text-default text-semibold letter-icon-title"> User Petition</a>
                            <div class="text-muted text-size-small"><h7 style="color:#57A7C8; font-weight:600">` + Status[key] + ` </h7></div>
                    newRowContentUnResolved = newRowContentUnResolved + `
                                <a href="#" class="text-default display-inline-block">
                                    <span class="text-semibold">[#` + IDPetition[key] + `] User addition requested for ` + Username[key] + `</span>
                                    <span class="display-block text-muted">` + Description[key] + `</span>
                                <a href="#" class="text-default display-inline-block">
                                    <span class="text-semibold"> Privilege: </span> <span>` + Privilege[key] + `</span><span class="text-semibold"> Email: </span> <span>` + Email[key] + ` </span> <span class="text-semibold">Domain: </span><span>` + Domain[key] + ` </span>
                    if (Status[key] == "Pending") {
                        newRowContentUnResolved = newRowContentUnResolved + `
                            <td class="text-center">
                                <ul class="icons-list">
                                    <li class="dropdown">
                                        <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="icon-menu7"></i></a>
                                        <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
                                            <li id="petition_accept" ` + IDPetition[key] + ` onclick="acceptModal(` + IDPetition[key] + ` )"><a href="#"><i class="icon-checkmark3 text-success"></i> Accept Petition</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#"><i class="icon-cross2 text-danger"></i> Decline Petition</a></li>
                    else {
                        newRowContentUnResolved = newRowContentUnResolved + `
                            <td class="text-center">
                                <ul class="icons-list">
                                    <li class="dropdown">
                                        <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="icon-menu7"></i></a>
                                        <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
                                            <li><a href="#"><i class="icon-pencil4"></i> Add Comments</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#"><i class="icon-history"></i> Rollback Request</a></li>

            counterResolved = Status.length - counterUnResolved - counterConfirmed;

            newRowContent = `<tr class="active border-double">
                                <td colspan="4"><h7 style="font-weight:500">Active tickets</h7></td>
                                <td class="text-right">
                                    <span class="badge bg-orange">` + counterUnResolved + `</span>
                                    <span class="badge bg-blue">` + counterConfirmed + `</span>

            newRowContentResolved =
                `<tr class="active border-double">
                <td colspan="4"><h7 style="font-weight:500">Resolved tickets</h7></td>
                <td class="text-right">
                    <span class="badge bg-success">` + counterResolved + `</span>

            $.each(Privilege, function (key, value) {
                if (Status[key] == "Inserted") {        
                    newRowContentResolved = newRowContentResolved +
                        `   <tr>
                            <td class="text-center">
                                <h7 class="no-margin"> ` + PetitionDate[key] + ` <small class="display-block text-size-small no-margin"></small></h7>
                                <h6 class="no-margin">
                                <div class="media-left media-middle">
                                    <a href="#" class="button">
                                        <i class="icon-circle2" style="color:#87C857"></i>

                                <div class="media-body">
                                    <a href="#" class="display-inline-block text-default text-semibold letter-icon-title"> User Petition</a>
                                    <div class="text-muted text-size-small"><h7 style="color:#87C857; font-weight:600">` + Status[key] + ` </h7></div>
                                <a href="#" class="text-default display-inline-block">
                                    <span class="text-semibold">[#` + IDPetition[key] + `] User addition requested for ` + Username[key] + `</span>
                                    <span class="display-block text-muted">` + Description[key] + `</span>
                                <a href="#" class="text-default display-inline-block">
                                    <span class="text-semibold"> Privilege: </span> <span>` + Privilege[key] + `</span><span class="text-semibold"> Email: </span> <span>` + Email[key] + ` </span> <span class="text-semibold">Domain: </span><span>` + Domain[key] + ` </span>
                            <td class="text-center">
                                <ul class="icons-list">
                                    <li class="dropdown">
                                        <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="icon-menu7"></i></a>
                                        <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
                                            <li><a href="#"><i class="icon-pencil4"></i> Add Comments</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#"><i class="icon-cancel-square" style="color:red"></i> Delete Request</a></li>

            $("#activeTickets tbody").html(newRowContent + newRowContentUnResolved + newRowContentResolved);
function acceptModal(receivedValue) {
    var newRowContent;

    //test = sendUserRequest[0];
    //test2 = sendUserRequest[1];

    newRowContent = `<div class="form-group row" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
                        <label class="col-md-4 col-form-label">Plant Reference</label>
                        <div class="col-md-8">
                            <input id="#" name="#" type="text" placeholder="Automatic Web App" class="form-control" disabled />

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="row">
                            <div class="col-lg-12">
                                <div class="col-lg-12-offset-2">
                                <!-- Support tickets -->
                                <div class="tab-content">
                                <div class="tab-pane pushbar_main_content" id="requestsUserAdmin">
                                <div class="panel panel-flat">
                                    <div class="panel-heading">
                                        <h5 class="panel-title" style="font-weight:500">USER REQUESTS</h5>
                                        <div class="heading-elements">
                                            <button type="button" class="btn btn-link daterange-ranges heading-btn text-semibold">
                                                <i class="icon-calendar3 position-left"></i> <span></span> <b class="caret"></b>
                                    <div class="table-responsive">
                                        <table class="table text-nowrap" id="activeTickets">
                                                    <th style="width: 50px; font-size:14px">Due</th>
                                                    <th style="width: 300px;font-size:14px">Type</th>
                                                    <th style="font-size:14px">Description</th>
                                                    <th style="font-size:14px">Petition Information</th>
                                                    <th class="text-center" style="width: 20px;font-size:14px"><i class="icon-arrow-down12"></i></th>

                                <!-- /support tickets -->


Note that the code for the function is not finished yet because first I want to solve the variable issue.

I tried firstly to pass 1 value or variable, it worked without any issue. Then I tried to send multiple variables and then started failing. Trying to fix it I made an array so send only 1 value but the same error persisted. Other thing I tried and is the one that now appears in the code is to parse the special characters to ASCII values but nothing but the same error happened.