Functionnality Search and Checkbox on vuejs3 and Vuetify 3

I need help with my application.

I want to perform a search and select the element I need.

My issue is that the search works fine, but I can’t retrieve any value after selecting a checkbox.

I have two components :

  • MyTableAnnuaire.vue and
  • add.vue

Here is my code :


    <v-text-field v-model="searchTerm" prepend-inner-icon="mdi-magnify" density="compact" label="Rechercher" flat
          hide-details variant="solo-filled"></v-text-field>
      <v-data-table class="blue-header" :headers="headers" :items="filteredItems" density="compact" hover="true"
        no-data-text="Pas de données disponibles" :fixed-header="true" :items-per-page="-1" :height="250"
        item-value="clcode" select-strategy="single" show-select
        hide-default-footer >




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