FileSaver saveAs function does not download all the files using Promise.allSettled

I have a TypeScript function that tries to download a large number of small documents concurrently. Here’s the code:

const bulkDownload = async (analyses: FullAnalysesResponse[]) => {

  const promises = (analysis) => {
    const documentInfo = await getDocumentInfo({ documentId: analysis.downloadFileId! });
    const attachment = await downloadDocument({ documentId: analysis.downloadFileId! });
    FileSaver.saveAs(new File([attachment],, { type: documentInfo.mimeType }));

  const results = await Promise.allSettled(promises);


  results.forEach((result, index) => {
    const analysisSerialNumber = analyses[index].deviceSerialNumber;
    result.status === 'fulfilled'
      ? successfulQueries.push(analysisSerialNumber)
      : failedQueries.push(analysisSerialNumber);

  return { failedQueries, successfulQueries };

The issue is that when I trigger this function to download multiple files at once, not all the files are downloaded. The number of downloaded files changes every time I run the function, and I never get all the files. All the API calls are working, so all the promises are successful. The issue seems to come from the FileSaver.saveAs function.

I also tried a version that uses a simple for...of loop, which works fine:

const bulkDownload = async (analyses: FullAnalysesResponse[]) => {
  const successfulQueries: string[] = [];
  const failedQueries: string[] = [];

  for (const analysis of analyses) {
    try {
      const documentInfo = await getDocumentInfo({ documentId: analysis.downloadFileId! });
      const attachment = await downloadDocument({ documentId: analysis.downloadFileId! });
      FileSaver.saveAs(new File([attachment],, { type: documentInfo.mimeType }));
    } catch (error) {


  return { failedQueries, successfulQueries };

The for...of version works reliably but is slower since it downloads the files sequentially. I would like to understand why the first (concurrent) function is not working as expected. I assumed that running the downloads concurrently would be more efficient.

Any insights on why this happens, and how to fix it while keeping the performance benefits of concurrent downloads?