First thing of first: Only in startup/init progress. I’m not trying find something to break the world.
I have do some research with js promise and await/async. And found something like this
Here is a demo in kotlin:
suspend fun readFile(path: Path) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
fun main() {
val runtimeInfo = runBlocking {
val config = readFile(Paths.get("")) // suspend async code
return@runBlocking MyFramework.RuntimeInfo.of(config) // Another async code
MyFramework.service(runtimeInfo) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
But in JS/TS, Things not that easy (BTW: I’m using Tauri + React):
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Tauri invoke return a promise.
invoke('read_file', {path: 'config.json', defaultConfig: '{"version":1}'})
.then(it => resolve(it))
.catch(it => reject(it));
// ↑ This is really easy to make mistake (typo/forget)
// And this is really bad feeling with it: promise in promosie
}).then(it => {
const runtime = something(it as string);
<App runtime={runtime}/>
}).catch((reject) => {
Question: Is there any elegant way to archive async/sync conversion in JS/TS?