React JS Stop setState batching in async function

I have the react client component, it’s a part of a next.js app, this component is a simple form that sends it’s formData to a next.js server action through an async function that will do the following steps:

  1. Set form button to be disabled & message to “Loading”.
  2. Send formData to Next.JS via an async server action.
  3. Set form button to be enabled & message to error if error.

The problem seems to be that react is batching my setState calls, so in execution it’s as if step 1 doesn’t even happen, just step 2 + 3.

I can’t figure out how to circumvent this behaviour.
Here’s the source code:

"use client";

import { SendGiftAction } from "@/app/actions/SendGiftAction";
import { useState } from "react";

export default function GoldGiftForm()
    let [interactable, SetInteractable] = useState(true);
    let [message, setMessage] = useState("");

    async function Execute(data: FormData)
        //These won't change the UI

        //Next.JS Server action
        let response = await SendGiftAction(data);

        //These will change the UI
        setMessage(response.Success ? "" : response.Error);

    return (
        <form action={Execute}>
            <h3>Send Gold Gift</h3>

                placeholder="User ID"


            <button type="submit" disabled={!interactable}> Send Gift </button>
