How to set scale of images according to resolution and window size

I am in the midst of a fairly complex project, creating a floorplan and adding desks to that floorplan. I have the floorplan image with height and width in px of the image, and also the physical size of the floor in mm. I also have the same data for each desk being placed, along with top and left locations in px.

How am I able to use getBoundingClientRect and this information to determine correct scaling of desks to may image size?

This is the code I currently have but I am unsure how to relate width/height (in px) to wMM/hMM.

const getScale = () => {
    const site = maps.maps[currentMap]; // the id on the select
    if (!site) return;

    let map = mapRef.current;
    let rect = map?.getBoundingClientRect();
    let mapWidth = rect.width; // Width of the floorplan image in px
    let mapHeight = rect.height; // Height of the floorplan image in px

    // Scale calculations based on physical dimensions (in mm)
    let scaleW = (mapWidth && site.wMM) ? (mapWidth / site.wMM) : 1; // Width scale factor
    let scaleH = (mapHeight && site.hMM) ? (mapHeight / site.hMM) : 1; // Height scale factor

    // Store scale values
    mapScale = { height: scaleH, width: scaleW, top:, left: rect.left };
    return mapScale;

// desk component, showing only relevant size and location calculations
    const top = parseInt((desk.y * scale.height) +; // Top position of the desk
    const left = parseInt((desk.x * scale.width) + scale.left); // Left position of the desk
    let deskWidth = 0;
    let deskHeight = 0;
    try {
        if (dImg) {
            deskImg = dImg.deskImage;

            // Calculate desk size in pixels based on its physical dimensions
            deskWidth = (dImg.wMM * scale.width); // Desk width in pixels
            deskHeight = (dImg.hMM * scale.height); // Desk height in pixels


To be absolutely clear, the site variable in getScale() has 4 fields: height, width, hMM and wMM. The dImg variable has these same 4 fields. The first 2 are measurements in PX and the second 2 are the physical measurements in millimetres.

How can these calculations be modified appropriately to correctly set the scale for my (current) window size and resolution?