Facing issue in setupProxy.js in react application

I’m facing an issue in my react application where I have created setupProxy.js file inside src folder. In that I have multiple proxy’s one should work for oidc login & another proxy will work as backend port (9098). Instead of passing this 9098 proxy in package.json file .Do to testing propose I have added inside setupProxy file.

  1. Package.json – > “proxy” : “http://localhost:9098”

Note: Below I have added setupProxy code/ proxy’s.

const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware');

module.exports = function (app) {
    '/bizcomp/restservices/v1/auth',  // Match the API path you want to proxy
      target: 'https://bizcomp.dev.att.com',  // Target OIDC server
      changeOrigin: true,  // Modify the origin header to the target URL
      pathRewrite: {
        '^/bizcomp/restservices/v1/auth': '/bizcomp/restservices/v1/auth',  // Rewrite the URL path if necessary
      onProxyReq: (proxyReq, req, res) => {
        // Optional: Add any custom headers to the proxy request
        proxyReq.setHeader('X-Special-Proxy-Header', 'foobar');
      onProxyRes: (proxyRes, req, res) => {
        // Optional: Manipulate the proxy response before sending it back to the client
        proxyRes.headers['x-added'] = 'foobar';  // Example of adding a custom header to the response
      logLevel: 'debug',  // Set to 'debug' to see detailed logs of the proxy activity
    '/bizcomp/restservices/v1/service',  // Match the exact path
      target: 'http://localhost:9098',  // Backend server URL
      changeOrigin: true,  // Modify the origin header to match the target
      logLevel: 'debug',  // Enable detailed logging for debugging
      pathRewrite: { '^/bizcomp/restservices/v1/service': '' },  // Remove the base path if needed
      followRedirects: true,  // Follow HTTP 3xx responses

http://localhost:3000/bizcomp/restservices/v1/service/systemtools/getActiveAnnouncements –> This is api which we are using in our application

This is error in network. Its getting 404 error (Not Found)

    "timestamp": "2024-09-02T18:56:18.883+00:00",
    "status": 404,
    "error": "Not Found",
    "path": "/systemtools/getActiveAnnouncements"