Typescript: how to change object to Class object with cast

In angular 18 I have usual TypeScript (“module”: “ES2022”)

I have basic class:

class Item {
  id: number = 0;
  title: string = '';
  active: boolean = false;
  date: Date = new Date();

  getTitle() {
    return this.title;

And some object (from Json for example):

const someObj = {
  id: 1,
  title: 'some title',
  active: 1 // notice that type here in number, not boolean

I want to create new object with class Item,
with all methods available, and with all properties from someObj casted to types from class.

I tried:

const realItem = new Item();
const myItem = <Item> someObj;
const myItem2 = someObj as Item;
const myItem3 = <Item> someObj as Item;

None of this ways gives the real Class object, like realItem.

enter image description here

And of course, the method getTitle is not available this way.

The only way I see, to make huge constructor, with checking types:

  constructor(res: any = {}) {
    Object.keys(res).forEach(key => {
      if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        const type = typeof this[key as keyof typeof this];
        if (type === 'boolean') {
          // @ts-ignore
          this[key as keyof typeof this] = !!res[key];
        } else if (type === 'number') {
          // @ts-ignore
          this[key as keyof typeof this] = +res[key];
        } else if (type === 'string') {
          // @ts-ignore
          this[key as keyof typeof this] = String(res[key]);
        } else if (type === 'object' && this[key as keyof typeof this] instanceof Date) {
          // @ts-ignore
          this[key as keyof typeof this] = new Date(res[key]);
        } else {
          this[key as keyof typeof this] = res[key];

But I can’t believe , that there is no simple and right way to do this.