I am using Angular 17,
with following Versions/Details
Angular CLI: 17.3.8
Node: 18.20.2
Package Manager: npm 10.5.0
OS: linux x64
Angular: 17.3.12
I want to import library ngx-intl-tel-input
to validate phone number with country Code.
I just checked following both:
package.json file packages:
"google-libphonenumber": "^3.2.38",
"intl-tel-input": "^17.0.3",
"ngx-intl-tel-input": "^3.2.0",
angular.json File changes:
"styles": [
"scripts": [
And also import module in app-component
I can see a text box with country flag and I can enter phone number.
However, when I click on country flag the drop down does not open