Keen-slider: Change animation duration and easing type for swiping

In the Keen Slider documentation, defaultAnimation is supposed to set the animation for moveToIdx, next, and prev functions. However, it only affects next and prev, not moveToIdx. I can change the animation duration for button clicks but not for swiping. Here’s the reproduction of the issue:

If we take a look at the unminified keen-slider source code and go to line 436 -, there was a duration set to 500ms by default. If we change it to n.options.duration and then go to the line 825 and change this duration to let’s say 5000ms it starts to work. Is there a built-in way to set the animation duration and easing type to something like cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1 particularly for swiping without going deep into the source code and changing it manually?

const current = ref(0);
const [container, slider] = useKeenSlider({
  slides: {
    perView: 1,
    spacing: 15,
  initial: current.value,
  slideChanged: (s) => {
    current.value = s.track.details.rel;
  defaultAnimation: {
    duration: 1300, // works only for navigation buttons and when clicking on gallery thumbnails, but not when swiping

Looking forward for a possible solution.