Problem in calling JavaScript functions in dataTable

I wrote a project with core 8 and jQuery and I want the edit and delete functions to be called in JavaScript by clicking on the buttons with the id value of editBtn and deleteBtn And userId and Area should also be sent to the functions. But in the code I wrote, the functions are not executed and nothing happens, and the execution of ajax functions is important to me. In addition, there is no error in the browser console.please help me

View codes in dataTable:

<script type="text/javascript">

 var _registerUrl = '@Url.Action("Register", "Management")';
 var _gridUrl = '@Url.Action("FillUsersGrid", "Management")';
 var _GetUsersUrl = '@Html.Raw(@Url.Action("GetUsers", "Management", new { Province = 1, County = 0, District = 0 }))';

var area = {
                province: 1,
                county: 0,
                district: 0

 <script type="text/javascript">

 $(document).ready(function (e) {
                $.get(_gridUrl).done(function (result) {

function GridLoad() {
                table = $("#tableList").DataTable({
                    initComplete: function () {
                        $('div.dt-search input').addClass('form-control');

"paging": true,
"pagingType": 'full_numbers',
"pageLength": 10,
"processing": false,
"serverSide": true,
"info": false,
"lengthChange": false,
"ordering": true,
"language": {
              "emptyTable": "داده ای ثبت نشده است.",
              "loadingRecords": '<div class="lds-ellipsis"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>',
 "search": `<span class="ms-2">
                        <i class="fa fa-search text-primary"></i>
                                     جست‌و‌جو بر اساس کد ملی:
                        "searchPlaceholder": 'مقدار مناسبی برای کد ملی وارد کنید ...',
"ajax": {
            "url": _GetUsersUrl,
            "type": "POST",
            "datatype": "json"
"columns": [
                  { "data": "userName", "title": "نام کاربری" },
                  { "data": "area", "title": "ناحیه" },
                  { "data": "county", "title": "شهرستان" },
                  { "data": "district", "title": "بخش" },
                  { "data": "firstName", "title": "نام" },
                  { "data": "lastName", "title": "نام خانوادگی" },
                  { "data": "gender", "title": "جنسیت" },
                  { "data": "education", "title": "تحصیلات" },
                  { "data": "employment", "title": "وضعیت استخدامی" },
                  { "data": "maritalStatus", "title": "وضعیت تاهل" },
                  { "data": "insurance", "title": "بیمه" },
                  { "data": "phoneNumber", "title": "شماره همراه" },
                  { "data": "email", "title": "پست الکترونیک" },
                  { "data": "dateOfBirth", "title": "تاریخ تولد" },
                  { "data": "city", "title": "شهر سکونت" },
                  { "data": "address", "title": "نشانی سکونت" },
                  { "data": "isActived", "title": "وضعیت" },
                  { "data": "lastActived", "title": "آخرین فعالیت" },
                  { "data": "registerDate", "title": "تاریخ ثبت" },
                  { "data": "userId", "title": "عملیات", render: function (data, type, row) {

              return `<div class="d-flex py-2">
                       <a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm rounded-circle py-1 ms-1"
                              <i class="fa fa-edit" > </i>
                       <a class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-sm rounded-circle py-1"
                              <i class="fa fa-times" > </i>

codes in Edit and Delete functions:

$("#tableList").on("click", "a[id='editBtn']", function (e) {
                var userId = $(this).closest("tr").find("td:eq(19)").text(); 
                var _editUrl = `/Province/Management/Edit?userId=${userId}&province=${area.province}&county=${area.county}&district=${area.district}`;
                $.get(_editUrl).done(function (result) {

            $("#tableList").on("click", "a[id='deleteBtn']", function (e) {
                var userId = $(this).closest("tr").find("td:eq(19)").text();
                var _deleteUrl = `/Province/Management/Delete?userId=${userId}&province=${area.province}&county=${area.county}&district=${area.district}`;
                $.get(_deleteUrl).done(function (result) {

Calling the Delete and Edit functions by clicking the buttons with the ID editBtn and deleteBtn