How to pass a pointer array from C to JS using Web Assembly

I’m trying to improve my technical skills with Web Assembly, but I’m stuck at the behavior levels between C to JS pointers.

I want to clarify that I’m not a basic C developer, just some notions.

The process is : JS send data to worker -> worker call web assembly (C) -> worker send result -> JS render

When I send my calculations made in C to JS using Web Assembly, I get the pointer, only to translate this pointer back into an array is problematic for me.

The code on the C side seems correct to me (I get the right values ​​once compiled).


#include "vector.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

void applyTransformation(Vector3D scale, Vector3D position, Vector3D rotation, Vector3D *vertex) {
    // Scale
    vertex->x *= scale.x;
    vertex->y *= scale.y;
    vertex->z *= scale.z;

    // Translate
    vertex->x += position.x;
    vertex->y += position.y;
    vertex->z += position.z;

    // Rotate
    double x = vertex->x;
    double y = vertex->y;
    double z = vertex->z;

    vertex->x = x * cos(rotation.y) * cos(rotation.z) + y * (cos(rotation.y) * sin(rotation.z) * sin(rotation.x) - sin(rotation.y) * cos(rotation.x)) + z * (cos(rotation.y) * sin(rotation.z) * cos(rotation.x) + sin(rotation.y) * sin(rotation.x));
    vertex->y = x * sin(rotation.y) * cos(rotation.z) + y * (sin(rotation.y) * sin(rotation.z) * sin(rotation.x) + cos(rotation.y) * cos(rotation.x)) + z * (sin(rotation.y) * sin(rotation.z) * cos(rotation.x) - cos(rotation.y) * sin(rotation.x));
    vertex->z = -x * sin(rotation.z) + y * cos(rotation.z) * sin(rotation.x) + z * cos(rotation.z) * cos(rotation.x);

Vector3D* cube(Vector3D scale, Vector3D position, Vector3D rotation) {
    Vector3D *vertices = (Vector3D *)malloc(sizeof(Vector3D) * 8);

    if (vertices == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    vertices[0] = (Vector3D){-scale.x / 2, -scale.y / 2, -scale.z / 2};
    vertices[1] = (Vector3D){scale.x / 2, -scale.y / 2, -scale.z / 2};
    vertices[2] = (Vector3D){scale.x / 2, scale.y / 2, -scale.z / 2};
    vertices[3] = (Vector3D){-scale.x / 2, scale.y / 2, -scale.z / 2};
    vertices[4] = (Vector3D){-scale.x / 2, -scale.y / 2, scale.z / 2};
    vertices[5] = (Vector3D){scale.x / 2, -scale.y / 2, scale.z / 2};
    vertices[6] = (Vector3D){scale.x / 2, scale.y / 2, scale.z / 2};
    vertices[7] = (Vector3D){-scale.x / 2, scale.y / 2, scale.z / 2};

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        applyTransformation(scale, position, rotation, &vertices[i]);
    return vertices;

void freeVertices(Vector3D *vertices) {


(async () => {

    const VectorModule = await VectorModuleWasm();

    if (!VectorModule) {
        throw new Error("Failed to load VectorModuleWasm");

    onmessage = (event) => {
        const {
        } =;
        const verticesPointer = VectorModule._cube(scale, position, rotation);
        const numVertices = 8;
        const verticeBuffers = new Float32Array(VectorModule.HEAPF32.buffer, verticesPointer, numVertices * 3);

        let vertices = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
                x: verticeBuffers[i * 3],
                y: verticeBuffers[i * 3 + 1],
                z: verticeBuffers[i * 3 + 2]



            id: id,
            vertices: vertices,
            origin: origin

And what I get in console log is an array of 8 vertices having x,y,z Infinity|-Infinity.