useState isn’t reflecting a change in an onClick callback function

I am new to React, and I am having the following issue:

When I get a value from redux, I am creating a clone of it and saving it to useState so I can modify it without affecting the original value until I press save, which then sends the value to redux to be updated in my store. The problem I am having, is in the function saveProject the value doesn’t change name within the object, as it is still the original value. However, in the effect, the correct value is displayed. I am not sure why, what would be causing this?

// Edit dialog
export default () => {
  // Original value from redux
  const active = useSelector(selectActiveProject);
  // The value I want to track
  const [project, setProject] = useState<Project>(Object.assign({}, active));
  // The value should be the updated value here (but shows the original)
  const saveProject = () => console.log(project);
  // Sets the value when the input is typed into
  const nameChange = (e: BaseSyntheticEvent) => setProject({ ...project, name: });

  // Prints the correct value from the input
  useEffect(() => console.log('useEffect', project), [project]);

  return (
      <input defaultValue={} onChange={e => nameChange(e)} />
      <button onClick={saveProject}>Save</button>