How to skip failing part in Cypress test script

what is expected from the below code is get_plz_ChooseGroup will be skipped and not trigger a test failure if the element is not visible after 5000 seconds

Login_Page_POS.get_plz_ChooseGroup({ timeout: 5000 })
            .then(($element) => {
              if ($":visible")) {
              } else {
                cy.log("Element not visible after 5 seconds, skipping this part")
            .catch(() => {
              cy.log("Element not found after 5 seconds, skipping this part")

and :

  this.plz_group_Label = "//span[contains(text(),'Please choose your group')]"
      get_plz_ChooseGroup() {
        return cy.xpath(this.plz_group_Label)

fails at .catch(() => {:

_Login_Page_POS.default.get_plz_ChooseGroup(...).then(...).catch is not a function