Handler after press button cancel Login with Google

I have a project with Hapi JS and use Bell for provide Sign in with Oauth Google. In handler for Sign up or Sign in, there problem i found it. If user press Cancel button after choose a account (in case user choose wrong email), but throw error like this

"statusCode": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "An internal server error occurred"

this error redirect on path http://localhost:9001/user/auth/google?error=access_denied&state=RNVnZeQdAZoBm5kJyWB79p.

and this is my code

Auth strategy

server.auth.strategy('google', 'bell', {
    provider: 'google',
    clientId: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
    clientSecret: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
    isSecure: false,

this is for my route Sign in or up with Google

    method: ['POST', 'GET'],
    path: '/user/auth/google',
    handler: handlerGoogleLoginUsers,
    options: {
      auth: 'google',
      cors: true,
      plugins: {
        'hapi-rate-limit': {
          pathLimit: 1,
          pathCache: {
            expiresIn: 10000,
          authCache: {
            expiresIn: 5000,

and this for my handler

const handlerGoogleLoginUsers = async (request, h) => {
  const { profile } = request.auth.credentials;
  const { error } = request.query;

  try {
    if (error === "access_denied") {
      return h.response({
        status: 'fail',
        message: 'User cancel it!',

    const dataToken = JSON.stringify(profile.raw);
    return h.redirect(`/user/api/google/callback?raw=${dataToken}&type=web`);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Terjadi error saat login google: ', err);
    return h.response({
      status: 'error',
      message: 'Terjadi kesalahan, Coba lagi.',

"@hapi/bell": "^13.0.2",
"@hapi/hapi": "^21.3.6",

if redirect on http://localhost:9001/user/auth/google?error=access_denied&state=RNVnZeQdAZoBm5kJyWB79p and this path have a params error or state should be catch in my handler.

if (error === "access_denied") {
      return h.response({
        status: 'fail',
        message: 'User cancel it!',

any idea? or something else?

Cancel Login