It is posible detect when recaptcha v2 image challange showed?

I have this file to show rectapcha v2 and I need to detect that recaptcha show image challange. This html is displayed in flutter application and I need that capture to enlarge the webview where the recaptcha is displayed

    <script src="" async defer></script>
        function onLoad() {

          grecaptcha.render('recaptcha', {
            'sitekey': '<KEY>', 
            'callback': onSuccess,        
            'expired-callback': onExpired, 
            'error-callback': onError      
    function onSuccess(token) {
        alert('Verification successful!');
            if (window.Captcha) {

    function onExpired() {
        console.log("reCAPTCHA expired");
        if (window.Captcha) {

    function onError() {
        console.log("reCAPTCHA error or challenge");
        if (window.Captcha) {

    function onChallangeOpen() {
        if (window.Captcha) {