No friction on tweened sprite

I have a moving platform and box on top of it. No matter how fast the platform is moving, the box doesnt move sideways along with the platform and eventually falls down if the platform slipped away.

I tried different combinations of friction and frictionStatic.

   const box = this.matter.add.rectangle(700, ScreenHelper.sceneWrapperSize.height - 110, 20, 20, {
      collisionFilter: {
        category: CAT_BLOCK_A,
        mask: CAT_FLOOR,
        group: 0
      friction: 1,

    const platform = this.matter.add.sprite(664, ScreenHelper.sceneWrapperSize.height - 100, "brick", undefined, {
      isStatic: true,
      collisionFilter: {
        category: CAT_FLOOR,
        group: 0
      friction: 1,
      frictionStatic: 1,
    platform.setDisplaySize(200, 20)

      targets: platform,
      x: 300,
      ease: Phaser.Math.Easing.Quintic.InOut,
      duration: 3000,
      yoyo: true,
      repeat: -1