How can I properly implement refresh token handling on the frontend in a React application?

So I have been trying to create a fullstack app that uses both an Access Token and refresh token, I have had success in past occassion with implementing access tokens but with refresh tokens I’m really struggling.

To give you some context: I have been working on the backend of the app and I have come up with:

//Tokens send with the login of the user:

 const accessToken = jwt.sign(
        userId: foundUsername.rows[0].id_persona,
        username: foundUsername.rows[0].username,
        roles: foundRoles.rows,
      process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY as string,
      { expiresIn: "5m" }

    const refreshToken = jwt.sign(
        userId: foundUsername.rows[0].id_persona,
        username: foundUsername.rows[0].username,
      process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY as string,
        expiresIn: "1d",

    res.cookie("refresh_cookie", refreshToken, {
      httpOnly: true,
      secure: false,
      sameSite: "none",
      maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
return res.json({ accessToken });

Now if I am not mistaken the refresh token is supposed to be holded in a local storage while the Refresh one is supposed to be the “cookie”.

this is the refresh the “access token” when asked to endpoint:

export const refreshAccess = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  // Check if the token exists
  const token = req.cookies["refresh_token"];
  if (!token) {
    return res.status(401).json({ message: "Unauthorized" });

  try {
    const decoded = jwt.verify(
      process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY as string
    ) as JwtPayload;
    const result = await pool.query(
      "SELECT id_roles FROM assignated_roles WHERE id_persona = $1",

    const foundRoles = => row.id_roles);
    const accessToken = jwt.sign(
        userId: decoded.userId,
        username: decoded.username,
        roles: foundRoles,
      process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY as string,
      { expiresIn: "5m" }

    return res.json({ accessToken });

I am satisfied with these Endpoints. I have tested them and they work… in theory.
But here come my big questions that I have been asking myself before even finishing my login.

How am I supposed to reach these endpoints? I was inspired to create and use Refresh/Access token becouse of this post:

Now in said post the way the Access Token is being refreshed its through a timer… That.. Can’t be right no? I was thinking about holding the data in a context so I could make protected Routes later on. But in order to do so. I would have to constantly make requests with each click the user make. So I would be constantly asking the DB for information. Which again doesn’t seem right.

As you might have noticed I feel frozen becouse I have so many ways I feel like this could be implemented.

I would like some guidance as to what are best practices when it comes to the implementation of Refresh/Access tokens when it comes to the frontend(React).

With that being said, any feedback on how to properly create a working frontend would be really appreciated.

Thank you for your time!