Typescript type inference not working as expected

I have two very similar functions but typescript can infer the return value of only one of them:

interface URItoKind<A> {}
type URIS = keyof URItoKind<any>;
type Kind<URI extends URIS, A> = URItoKind<A>[URI];

const URI = "Option";
export type URI = typeof URI;
interface URItoKind<A> {
  readonly [URI]: Option<A>;
class Option<A> {
  static of: <A>(a: A) => Option<A>;

function test1<F extends URIS, A, B>(f: (a: A) => Kind<F, B>): Option<B>;

function test2<F extends URIS>(): <A, B>(f: (a: A) => Kind<F, B>) => Option<B>;

const func = (x: number) => Option.of(x.toString()); // (x: number) => Option<string>
const r1 = test1(func); // Option<unknown> - Doesn't work
const r2 = test2()(func); // Option<string> - Works Fine

Playground Link

I was hoping somebody could explain to me what’s the issue. Is this expected or is it a bug? Is there some kind of workaround to make test1 work without specifying the types manually?