an idea to make an image of a manufacturing process interactive…though at first thought it seems like a css nightmare. Would you agree? [closed]

I have an image of a manufacturing process where ideally I’d like the boxes to be interactive and link to the subsequent areas.
I figured building it within a site (or in my case a proprietary software) would be easiest but I may lose the finer details of the image i.e. process flow lines etc.

My second thought was to create transparent divs/buttons over the image processes to make them seemingly interactable…could use a grid and go row by row and that doesn’t seem too bad. however, if I were to consider responsiveness…this seems like it could be something short of css nightmare fuel

Anyone have any other ideas that I may be forgetting…though keep in mind that being in a proprietary environment, using third party tools will likely not be possible.

This is the process diagram I was hoping to use:
manufacturing process