How do you update an existing CSSStyleSheet

I’m using new CSSStyleSheet() to create a custom stylesheet for a specific document where the styles depend on the content.
Within that stylesheet, I add CSS variables with the root selector. Elements in the project will then be selected by an ID and get specific rules that use those variables. The issue is, that I do not know the IDs before, and as such the styles and the selectors have to be created dynamically.
So far it works flawlessly.

The issue that I facing now is that during some specific events, the value of the CSS variables should change. I tried changing it by using insertRule() with and without index. I also tried replace() and replaceSync(). Nothing achieved the desired result.

The question now is, how can I change the root for this stylesheet?

const CSS = new CSSStyleSheet();

const rootRule = `:root{
  --background: red;
CSS.insertRule(rootRule, 0);

const bodyRule = `body { 
  background: var(--background); 
CSS.insertRule(bodyRule, 1);

document.adoptedStyleSheets = [CSS];

// change color
BUTTON.addEventListener('click', function() {
  console.log('button clicked');
  const newRule = `:root {
    --background: blue;
  CSS.insertRule(newRule, 0);
<button id="BUTTON">Change background-color</button>