GET request to `getOne` controller. Postman returns no data from MongoDB and causes endless request loop

sample data and postman req image I am sending “get” request on Postman. Unfortunately, there is no luck and I can’t find the mistake. Here is my factory.js :

exports.getOne = (Model, popOptions) =>
  catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('GET ONE');
    let query = Model.findById(;
    if (popOptions) query = query.populate(popOptions);
    const doc = await query;
    if (!doc) {
      return next(
        new AppError('No documents fond with that id', 404)
      status: 'success',
      data: {
        data: doc,

controller :

exports.getTourById = factory.getOne(Tour, { path: 'reviews' });

I tried to change controller and at the end no luck ana here is sample data in my DB.