Dynamically add color in ion-card text based on regex

I want to add a span around some text when a # or a @ is detected so I can change the color to make it look like usernames and hashtags in twitter. My code looks like this:


ngOnInit(): void {
      result => {
        this.items = result;
        // sort by rune id so list is newest to oldest
        this.items.sort((a, b) => Number(b.rune) - Number(a.rune));
        for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
          this.items[i].glyph_content = this.replaceIt(this.items[i].glyph_content);

  replaceIt = (str: string) => {
    const regex = /B([#@][a-zA-Z]+b)(?!;)/g;
    const subst = `<span style="color:blue">$1</span>`;
    const result = str.replace(regex, subst);
    return result;


  <ion-card *ngFor="let item of items" >

I’m successfully replacing the text like I want to, however it’s just winding up as text instead actual tags and looks like this:
test <span style="color:blue">@hey</span> <span style="color:blue">@uh</span> wow <span style="color:blue">#ah</span> words <span style="color:blue">#oh</span>
Is there a way for me to change my code so I’m actually dynamically wrapping the target text in real spans like I want? Is it possible to use *ngIf in some creative way here?