How does p5.js instance mode work where the argument to instantiate the object is a function?

I’m having issues understanding how the P5.js instance mode works. The syntax of creating the object seems so different from anything else I’ve seen.

We’re instantiating a new object with the ‘new p5(Sketch)’ statement in UseEffect. Usually to instantiate a new object, an argument is passed that has the necessary requirements for the Constructor in a Class to create. However, in this case, a new object is being instantiated by passing a function as an argument. This seems so different from what I’ve encountered in the past.

I can use these templates and have been able to create my own customized code. However, it bothers me that how this is so different.

I would like to understand the principles. Can someone please explain to me in a detailed manner?I’m a self-taught programmer and am able to code certain work or hobby related requirements. I’m familiar with OOP principles.

I understand the objective is to use the instance mode so that we don’t confuse the common variables/functions with other libraries.

I’ve tried to read as much possible but I’ve not understood the explanations. I had also tried

The two most confusing lines are:

  1. new p5(Sketch);
  2. const Sketch = p5 => {….}

Here are a few specific questions:

  1. We’re instantiating a p5 object with a function with the ‘new p5(Sketch’. How is this possible?
  2. The Sketch function itself has a p5 argument. So, we seem to be instantiating a p5 object with an argument Sketch which itself has a p5 object as an argument. This seems circular.
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import * as p5 from "p5";
const P5Sketch = () => {
 const Sketch = p5 => {
   Let radius;  
   p5.setup = () => {
     p5.createCanvas(p5.windowWidth, p5.windowHeight);
     Radius = 0;
   p5.draw = () => {
 useEffect(() => {
  new p5(Sketch);
 }, []);
 return (
export default P5Sketch;

I’ve tried to read as much as possible to understand this but not able to grasp it.