Comparing Fetch API, Axios, and GraphQL for API requests: Performance and Use Cases [closed]

I’m evaluating methods for making API requests in JavaScript applications and need factual comparisons between Fetch API, Axios, and GraphQL. Specifically, I’m looking for:

Performance metrics:

What are the average response times for each method when making similar requests?
How do they compare in terms of memory usage and bundle size impact?

Use case suitability:

What types of projects or scenarios are each method best suited for, based on their features?
Are there specific industry standards or best practices that recommend one method over others for particular use cases?

Implementation complexity:

What is the average time to set up and implement each method for a basic CRUD application?
How do they compare in terms of lines of code required for common operations?

Browser and environment support:

What are the exact browser version requirements for each method?
How do they perform in different environments (browser vs Node.js)?

Error handling and debugging:

I’ve researched the documentation and experimented with basic API calls using Fetch and Axios in small test scripts. I’m looking for empirical data or documented experiences that can provide objective comparisons.
Can you provide factual information or references to studies/benchmarks that compare these methods based on the above criteria?