Keydown firing twice when the previous keydown was held

In my web app, for reasons I don’t know yet, whenever I hold down a key for about more than half a second, (more reliably replicable when held for 2 seconds), the next key I press (given that I press it while holding the other key down, and rapidly unpress the previous key), the new key pressed will fire twice, without the repeat property being true. this is the JavaScript code I use, which requires minimal HTML boilerplating

window.bin = false; = [];
document.addEventListener("mousedown", ()=>{
    console.log("start listening for keys");
    document.addEventListener("keydown", e=>{
        if (e.repeat) return;
        console.log(bin = !bin); //make it easier to tell that they are different events firing?
}, {once: true});

Here’s a small diagram of what I’m doing with my keyboard. The X axis represents the progression of time, and the Y axis serves solely to show where key pressed overlap.
Each Keypress would last 2 seconds to get the most accuracy of replication.

X [ "A" Key ]     [ "C" Key ]
X         [ "B" Key ]     [ "D" Key ]

if I was to emulate this diagram in keypresses, My browser would display the following in the log

KeyBoardEvent properties that are the same:

isTrusted: true
altKey: false
bubbles: true
cancelBubble: false
cancelable: true
charCode: 0
composed: true
ctrlKey: false
currentTarget: null
defaultPrevented: false
detail: 0
eventPhase: 0
isComposing: false
location: 0
metaKey: false
repeat: false
returnValue: true
shiftKey: false
sourceCapabilities: InputDeviceCapabilities {firesTouchEvents: false}
srcElement: HTMLBodyElement
target: HTMLBodyElement
type: "keydown"
view: Window

Simplified Log

> KeyboardEvent {code: "KeyA", key: "a", keyCode: 65, which: 65, timestamp: 6884.599999997765} 
> true
> KeyboardEvent {code: "KeyB", key: "b", keyCode: 66, which: 66, timestamp: 8024.89999999851} 
> false
> KeyboardEvent {code: "KeyB", key: "b", keyCode: 66, which: 66, timestamp: 8324.89999999851} 
> true
> KeyboardEvent {code: "KeyC", key: "c", keyCode: 67, which: 67, timestamp: 9139.699999999255}
> false
> KeyboardEvent {code: "KeyC", key: "c", keyCode: 67, which: 67, timestamp: 9439.800000000745} 
> true
> KeyboardEvent {code: "KeyD", key: "d", keyCode: 68, which: 68, timestamp: 10238.5} 
> false
> KeyboardEvent {code: "KeyD", key: "d", keyCode: 68, which: 68, timestamp: 10539.699999999255} 
> true

My Browser is Chrome Beta 127.0.6533.94 on ChromeOS. Sorry in advance if the question gives too much unnecessary information, or if this is just a bug.