Namespace ‘multer’ has no exported member ‘File’

rc/middleware/Cloudinary-Middleware/cloudinary.service.ts:8:36 – error TS2694: Namespace ‘multer’ has no exported member ‘File’.

8 async uploadImages(files: multer.File[] | multer.File): Promise<(UploadApiResponse | UploadApiErrorResponse)[]> {


src/middleware/Cloudinary-Middleware/cloudinary.service.ts:8:52 – error TS2694: Namespace ‘multer’ has no exported member ‘File’.

8 async uploadImages(files: multer.File[] | multer.File): Promise<(UploadApiResponse | UploadApiErrorResponse)[]> {


src/products/products.controller.ts:24:87 – error TS2694: Namespace ‘multer’ has no exported member ‘File’.

24 async postProduct(@Body() body: addProductDto, @UploadedFiles() files: Array<multer.File>) {


src/products/products.controller.ts:66:120 – error TS2694: Namespace ‘multer’ has no exported member ‘File’.

66 async updateProduct(@Param(‘id’) id: string, @Body() body: updateProductDto, @UploadedFiles() files?: Array<multer.File>) {


src/products/products.service.ts:20:42 – error TS2694: Namespace ‘multer’ has no exported member ‘File’.

20 async addImagesforUrls(files: multer.File[]): Promise<string[]> {


src/products/products.service.ts:43:71 – error TS2694: Namespace ‘multer’ has no exported member ‘File’.

43 async addProduct(addProductDto: addProductDto, prodImages: multer.File[] ) : Promise {


src/products/products.service.ts:95:100 – error TS2694: Namespace ‘multer’ has no exported member ‘File’.

95 async updateProduct(updateProductDto: updateProductDto, productId: string, prodImages?: multer.File[]): Promise {


The only issues is it’s running on my teammates backend serves yet on mine its throwing theses errors

I have tried to run

yarn add @types/multer —dev

Tried to add
to my tsconfig.json

I eventually added
“TypesRoot”: [“node_modules/@types”]

But out of 7 errors am left with 6

I double checked iff we using the same typescript version with my teammates we have same package.json. crazy l that am the only one with thse errors