How can I make an ajax call asynchronously from Javascript to mvc controller method and to wait for the result to proceed to next line of code

I am trying to get the result from the function called ‘validateScheduleDate()’ and only if the result comes from the function, then next line of code should be executed. I am trying to validate two dates to find these dates are between the given time frame.

Right now, it does not wait for the result from the function called ‘validateScheduleDate’

Here is my code in Jvascript

    validateTab: function (currentTab) {
        validateScheduleDate().then(function (data) {

            if (data != 'noDifference') {
                // Not passed to the next line                       


        switch (currentTab.index()) {
            case 0: // tabPaneNames.general
                return  validateSales1()
            case 1: // tabPaneNames.problems
                return  validateSales2()
            case 2: // tabPaneNames.serviceProviders
                return  validateSales3()           
                return false;
  $('[submit-sales').click(function (event) {
      validateScheduleDate().then(function (data) {

          if (data == 'noDifference') {
              validateTabs(function () { submitForm(); }, true);
                 // Not passed to the next line


 function validateScheduleDate() {
     var startDate = document.getElementById('dispatch-start-date').value;
     var startTime = document.getElementById('ddl-dispatch-times').value;
     var arrivalTimeFrame = parseFloat(document.getElementById("hdn-WOArrivalTimeFrame-id").value).toFixed(2);
     var scheduledDate = document.getElementById("ScheduledDate").value;
     var scheduledTime = document.getElementById("ddl-dispatch-scheduled-times").value;
     var dateErrorSpan = document.getElementById("ScheduledDate-Error");  
     var timeErrorSpan = document.getElementById("ScheduledTime-Error");;

     var resultdata =  $.get('/WorkOrderDispatch/GetScheduledEndDate', {
         dispStartDate: startDate, dispStartTime: startTime, dispTimeFrame: arrivalTimeFrame,
         dispScheduledDate: scheduledDate, dispScheduledTime: scheduledTime
     }).done(function (result) {
         if (result == 'hasDaysDifference') {
             timeErrorSpan.textContent = '';
             dateErrorSpan.textContent = 'Enter the Scheduled Date within the arrival time frame ' + arrivalTimeFrame + ' Hrs'
             $wizard.wizard('changeTo', '#' + tabPaneNames.general);
             return false;
         else if (result == 'hasTimeDifference')
             dateErrorSpan.textContent = '';
             timeErrorSpan.textContent = 'Enter the Scheduled Date within the arrival time frame ' + arrivalTimeFrame + ' Hrs'  
             $wizard.wizard('changeTo', '#' + tabPaneNames.general);
             return false;
         else {
             dateErrorSpan.textContent = '';
             timeErrorSpan.textContent = '';
             return true;
     return resultdata;

// Code in MVC controller

 public async Task<JsonResult> GetScheduledEndDate(string dispStartDate, string dispStartTime, string dispTimeFrame, string dispScheduledDate, string dispScheduledTime)        {

     var UserID = User.Identity.GetUserId();
     var loginUser = await DbContext.Employees.Where(x => x.ApplicationUserID == UserID).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); 

     if (loginUser == null)
         throw new OfficetraxException(ErrorCode.NotFound);
     TimeZoneInfo employeeTimeZone = TimeZoneTools.FindTimeZone(loginUser.TimeZone);
     DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
     string DispatchNowString = "[Dispatch Now]";
     DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dispStartDate);
     DateTime scheduledDate;
     DateTime? dispatchScheduledDate = null;

     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dispScheduledDate))
           scheduledDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dispScheduledDate);
           dispatchScheduledDate = scheduledDate.ApplyTimeAndTimeZone(dispScheduledTime, employeeTimeZone);

     double? arrivalTimeFrame = Convert.ToDouble(dispTimeFrame);
     string combinedscheduleDate = dispScheduledDate + " " + dispScheduledTime;
     DateTime dispatchStartDate = dispStartTime == DispatchNowString ? now : startDate.ApplyTimeAndTimeZone(dispStartTime, employeeTimeZone); 

     DateTime? scheduledEndDate = arrivalTimeFrame.HasValue ?
                                        dispatchStartDate.AddHours(arrivalTimeFrame.Value) : (DateTime?)null;


     //DateTime? dispatchScheduledDate = DateTime.Parse(combinedscheduleDate); 

     if (scheduledEndDate.HasValue && dispatchScheduledDate.HasValue)
         if(dispatchScheduledDate < dispatchStartDate)
             if (dispatchScheduledDate.Value.Date == dispatchStartDate.Date)
                 return Json("hasTimeDifference", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                 return Json("hasDaysDifference", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
         if(dispatchScheduledDate > scheduledEndDate)
             if(dispatchScheduledDate.Value.Date == scheduledEndDate.Value.Date)
                 return Json("hasTimeDifference", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                 return Json("hasDaysDifference", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
             return Json("noDifference", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
     return Json("noDifference", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
