Why are my stripe webhook session details saying they are undefined?

I am creating a stripe checkout session in my development mode, that is successfully sending information to my webhook, and when I print out my session details, it successfully prints out all the information from the session. The weird part is though, that when I try to access an individual piece of information so I can save it in my backend with prisma, it says the information is undefined when i console.log it out. It’s so weird I can see the whole thing, but not the individual information. What am I doing wrong and how can I access the individual lines in my Next.js program?

Here is my webhook code

import Stripe from "stripe";
import { stripe } from "@/lib/stripe";
import { headers } from "next/headers";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import prisma from "@/lib/db/prisma";
import { OrderItem } from "@prisma/client";
import { createCart, getCart } from "@/lib/db/cart";
import { revalidatePath } from "next/cache";

export async function POST(req: Request) {
  const cart = (await getCart()) ?? (await createCart());
  const body = await req.text();
  const signature = headers().get("Stripe-Signature") as string;

  let event: Stripe.Event;

  try {
    event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(
  } catch (error) {
    return new NextResponse("Invalid signature", { status: 400 });

  const session = event.data.object as Stripe.Checkout.Session;

  if (event.type === "charge.succeeded") {
    const paymentIntent = event.data.object;

    const userId = paymentIntent.metadata.userId;
    const {
    } = paymentIntent.metadata;

    try {
      await prisma.$transaction(async (prisma) => {
        // Create the order
        const order = await prisma.order.create({
          data: {
            totalInCents: parseInt(totalInCents),
            taxInCents: parseInt(taxInCents),

        // Create order items
        const orderItems = JSON.parse(cartItems).map((item: OrderItem) => ({
          productId: item.productId,
          productName: item.productName,
          price: item.price,
          quantity: item.quantity,
          orderId: order.id,

        await prisma.orderItem.createMany({
          data: orderItems,

        // Empty the user's cart
        await prisma.cartItem.deleteMany({
          where: {
            cart: {
              userId: userId,

        await prisma.cart.update({
          where: { id: cart.id },
          data: {},
        revalidatePath("/", "layout");
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error handling checkout session:", error);

  return new NextResponse("ok", { status: 200 });

and here is what is printed out when I console.log the whole session.

  id: *the id is here*,
  object: 'charge',
  amount: 1499,
  amount_captured: 1499,
  amount_refunded: 0,
  application: null,
  application_fee: null,
  application_fee_amount: null,
  balance_transaction: null,
  billing_details: {
    address: {
      city: 'Austin',
      country: 'US',
      line1: '3186 Brentwood Drive',
      line2: null,
      postal_code: '78746',
      state: 'TX'
    email: '[email protected]',
    name: 'John Doe',
    phone: null
  calculated_statement_descriptor: 'JOHN DOE',
  captured: true,
  created: 1722718453,
  currency: 'usd',
  customer: null,
  description: null,
  destination: null,
  dispute: null,
  disputed: false,
  failure_balance_transaction: null,
  failure_code: null,
  failure_message: null,
  fraud_details: {},
  invoice: null,
  livemode: false,
  metadata: {},
  on_behalf_of: null,
  order: null,
  outcome: {
    network_status: 'approved_by_network',
    reason: null,
    risk_level: 'normal',
    risk_score: 35,
    seller_message: 'Payment complete.',
    type: 'authorized'
  paid: true,
  payment_intent: 'pi_3PjoxtRu5CVeMm6U0PoyXjnC',
  payment_method: 'pm_1PjoxsRu5CVeMm6UvlsVXLbb',
  payment_method_details: {
    card: {
      amount_authorized: 1499,
      authorization_code: null,
      brand: 'visa',
      checks: [Object],
      country: 'US',
      exp_month: 11,
      exp_year: 2042,
      extended_authorization: [Object],
      fingerprint: '08eKoYQiOE8pTlLD',
      funding: 'credit',
      incremental_authorization: [Object],
      installments: null,
      last4: '4242',
      mandate: null,
      multicapture: [Object],
      network: 'visa',
      network_token: [Object],
      overcapture: [Object],
      three_d_secure: null,
      wallet: null
    type: 'card'
  radar_options: {},
  receipt_email: null,
  receipt_number: null,
  receipt_url: 'https://pay.stripe.com/receipts/payment/CAcaFwoVYWNjdF8xUGZDT1pSdTVDVmVNbTZVKPaxurUGMgYiOLShtJk6LBZH4IQkJ4DUUBK9TzBeAOdnf8adJI3SNgJhlihMuQHs9e8IDacRGL5vePD12-',
  refunded: false,
  review: null,
  shipping: {
    address: {
      city: 'AUSTIN',
      country: 'US',
      line1: '3186 Brentwood Drive',
      line2: null,
      postal_code: '78746',
      state: 'TX'
    carrier: null,
    name: 'John Doe',
    phone: null,
    tracking_number: null
  source: null,
  source_transfer: null,
  statement_descriptor: null,
  statement_descriptor_suffix: null,
  status: 'succeeded',
  transfer_data: null,
  transfer_group: null

and when I check an individual item such as


it just prints out undefined, which is weird.

ALSO, you may have noticed, and I find it really weird too, but when I am trying to access the information in session, and try to do a session.”autocomplete” to get the available keys to choose from, it does not give me just basic shipping. only shipping_details, which is really weird as well. I can seem to access top level keys, such as session.created, but deeper keys value pairs don’t seem to work. I have never dealt with this before so I am very confused.

I have console.logged about every possible way I can think about. I have looked through the documentation, but it mostly just shows me how the session object is structured, but nothing that might make me understand why it is not working.