Joi Validation Schema Conditional Logic Not Working as Expected Based on Dynamic Value

I am having trouble with a Joi validation schema where the validation logic needs to handle different version ranges dynamically. The version ranges for legacy and current reports are defined in a configuration object, and I need the validation to adapt based on these ranges.

The validation schema does not seem to work correctly even though isLegacyReport and isCurrentReport functions return appropriate boolean values. I suspect there might be an issue with how these functions are integrated into the Joi when conditions.

export const reportValidator = {
    params: Joi.object({
        version: Joi.string()
    body: Joi.object({
        org_id: Joi.number().when(Joi.ref('/params.version'), {
            is: Joi.string().custom((value) => isCurrentReport(value)),
            then: Joi.required(),
            otherwise: Joi.forbidden()
        state_id: Joi.number().when(Joi.ref('/params.version'), {
            is: Joi.string().custom((value) => isCurrentReport(value)),
            then: Joi.required(),
            otherwise: Joi.forbidden()
        zone_id: Joi.array().items(Joi.number().required()).when(Joi.ref('/params.version'), {
            is: Joi.string().custom((value) => isCurrentReport(value)),
            then: Joi.required(),
            otherwise: Joi.forbidden()
        office_id: Joi.array()
            .when(Joi.ref('/params.version'), {
                is: Joi.string().custom((value) => isLegacyReport(value)),
                then: Joi.required(),
                otherwise: Joi.forbidden()