In the build –watch process in the Vue + Vite + TS Project – ERROR: Expected “>” but found “/” – error

There are no errors in the build or dev process. However, if I add the –watch parameter, I get the following error. The strange thing is that when I delete it and include another file, it generates the same error in another section there. You can also see the other error. I think there is a problem when parse .vue files but I am not sure. I also include all config files. Does anyone have any information about this?

✓ 0 modules transformed.
[commonjs] Transform failed with 1 error:
C:/path/vue-ts/src/App.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang.ts:2:15: ERROR: Expected ">" but found "/"
file: C:/path/vue-ts/src/App.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang.ts:2:15

Expected ">" but found "/"
1  |  <template>
2  |      <StoryList />
   |                 ^
3  |  </template>
4  |


[commonjs] Transform failed with 1 error:
C:/path/vue-ts/src/components/StoryList.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang.ts:3:12: ERROR: Expected ">" but found "v"    
file: C:/path/vue-ts/src/components/StoryList.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang.ts:3:12

Expected ">" but found "v"
1  |  <template>
2  |      <ul>
3  |          <li v-for="storyBox in storyBoxes" :key="">
   |              ^
4  |              {{ storyBox.title }} - {{ storyBox.thumbnail }}
5  |          </li>

Config files


import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'node:url'

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import vueDevTools from 'vite-plugin-vue-devtools'
import { nodePolyfills } from 'vite-plugin-node-polyfills'

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [vue(), vueDevTools(), nodePolyfills()],
    build: {
        commonjsOptions: {
            transformMixedEsModules: true
        assetsDir: '.',
        assetsInlineLimit: 0,
        outDir: '../assets/js',
        rollupOptions: {
            input: {
                main: 'src/main.ts'
            output: {
                format: 'umd',
                entryFileNames: 'app.min.js',
                chunkFileNames: '[name].js',
                assetFileNames: '[name].[ext]'
    resolve: {
        alias: {
            '@': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url))

    "extends": "@vue/tsconfig/tsconfig.dom.json",
    "include": ["env.d.ts", "src/**/*", "src/**/*.vue"],
    "exclude": ["src/**/__tests__/*"],
    "compilerOptions": {
        "composite": true,
        "tsBuildInfoFile": "./node_modules/.tmp/",

        "baseUrl": ".",
        "paths": {
            "@/*": ["./src/*"]


    "extends": "@tsconfig/node20/tsconfig.json",
    "include": [
    "compilerOptions": {
        "composite": true,
        "noEmit": true,
        "tsBuildInfoFile": "./node_modules/.tmp/tsconfig.node.tsbuildinfo",

        "module": "ESNext",
        "moduleResolution": "Bundler",
        "types": ["node"]