yargs Parsing Issue: Why Does -hx Show Help Menu Instead of Error?

I’m facing this issue with yargs where the combined flag -hx seems to trigger the help menu instead of an error, even though -h is intended to be a help flag and -x is an alias for another option.

import chalk from "chalk";
import yargs from "yargs";
import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers";
import {
} from "../constants";

// Color-related functions
const colorize = {
  subHeading: (text: string) => chalk.hex(SubHeadingColor)(text),
  argument: (text: string) => chalk.hex(ArgumentColor)(text),
  value: (text: string) => chalk.hex(ValueColor)(text),
  heading: (text: string) => chalk.hex(HeadingColor)(text),
  snippet: (text: string) => chalk.hex(SnippetColor)(text),

// Create colored argument
const createColoredArg = (arg: string, value: string) =>

// Command examples
const commandExamples = {
  createDefaultStack: ($0: string, args: string[]) =>
    `${colorize.subHeading("Command to Create Stack by provided Defaults:n")}${$0} ${args.join(" ")}`,
  overrideDefaults: ($0: string, args: string[]) =>
    `n${colorize.subHeading("Command to Override Default Parameters:n")}${$0} ${args.join(" ")}`,
  useConfigFile: ($0: string, arg: string) =>
    `n${colorize.subHeading("Command to use file for all arguments:n")}${$0} ${arg}`,
  createAndCheckStatus: ($0: string, args: string[]) =>
    `n${colorize.subHeading("Command to Create Stack and Check Status:n")}${$0} ${args.join(" ")}`,
  createAndDeleteOnFailure: ($0: string, args: string[]) =>
    `n${colorize.subHeading("Command to Create Stack and Delete on Failure:n")}${$0} ${args.join(" ")}`,
  deleteStack: ($0: string, args: string[]) =>
    `n${colorize.subHeading("Command to Delete Stack:n")}${$0} ${args.join(" ")}`,

// yargs configuration
const configureYargs = () => {
  const $0 = colorize.argument("npx @invisinet/stackhub");
  const commonArgs = [
    createColoredArg("--region=", "<region>"),
    createColoredArg("--stack=", "<stack-name>"),
    createColoredArg("--access=", "<access-key-id>"),
    createColoredArg("--secret=", "<secret-access-key>"),

  return yargs(hideBin(process.argv))
      `${colorize.heading("Refer Package Documentation or Exec Below Command")}n${colorize.snippet("npx @invisinet/stackhub --help")}`,
    .alias("help", "h")
      "Show Version Info",
      process.env?.npm_package_version ?? "",
    .alias("version", "v")
    .usage("npx @invisinet/stackhub [COMMANDS] [OPTIONS]")
      [commandExamples.createDefaultStack($0, commonArgs)],
        commandExamples.overrideDefaults($0, [
          createColoredArg("--defaults=", "</path/to/CustomDefaults.json>"),
          createColoredArg("--config=", "</path/to/CustomConfig.json>"),
        commandExamples.createAndCheckStatus($0, [
        commandExamples.createAndDeleteOnFailure($0, [
        commandExamples.deleteStack($0, [
      region: ["r"],
      stack: ["s", "stackName"],
      access: ["a", "accessKeyId"],
      secret: ["x", "secretAccessKey"],
      defaults: ["d", "overrideParameterDefaults"],
      config: ["c", "configuration"],
      check: ["k", "checkStatusAsync"],
      cleanUp: ["f", "deleteOnFailure"],
      delete: ["t", "terminate"],
      region: {
        type: "string",
        demandOption: true,
        describe: "AWS Region Name",
      stack: {
        type: "string",
        demandOption: true,
        describe: "Desired Stack Name in Alphanumeric",
      access: {
        type: "string",
        demandOption: true,
        describe: "Access Key ID Provided by Invisinet",
      secret: {
        type: "string",
        demandOption: true,
        describe: "Secret Access Key Provided by Invisinet",
      defaults: {
        type: "string",
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "Override the Defaults By JSON or YAML",
      check: {
        type: "boolean",
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "Flag to track stack events until completion",
      cleanUp: {
        type: "boolean",
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "Flag to delete stack on creation failure",
      delete: {
        type: "boolean",
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "Flag to Toggle Delete Stack",

export default async function initYargs(): Promise<yargs.Arguments> {
  const params = configureYargs();
  return params.argv;


When I run the command with -hx, yargs displays the help menu instead of an error. The -h flag is meant to trigger help, and -x is an alias for the secret option. My expectation is that -hx should result in an error, but it seems that -h is being prioritized.


Why does -hx show the help menu rather than an error? How can I configure yargs to ensure that -hx is treated as an error rather than a valid command?

Tried Adding below lines, Still not able fix the issue
