Yup validation of a nested field

Im building validation scheme and need to make one field required dependent on the value of another field, but validation doesnt work

Heres code example

export const schema = yup.object().shape({
    parentField: yup.object().shape({
        field1: yup.number(),
        field2: yup
                        nestedField1: yup
                            .when('parentField.field2.nestedField2', {
                                is: (val) => val !== null && val !== '',
                                then: yup.string().required("nestedField2 is required"),
                        nestedField2: yup
                            .when('parentField.field2.nestedField1', {
                                is: (val) => val !== null && val !== '',
                                then: yup.string().required("nestedField1 is required"),
}, [['parentField.field2.nestedField1', 'parentField.field2.nestedField2']]);

Its just doesnt trigger validation and i cant find proper explanation on how to validate nested fields like this in yup