Error loading model on website served through GitHub pages: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘v’… (threejs)

so I’m fairly new to coding, GitHub pages all of it. I am trying to serve my website over there which includes three 3d models (their files being larger than 100mb) which I have added to the git repository using git lfs. I was successfully able to set up my repository but my models won’t load and despite everything I’ve tried, I end up with this error message:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'v', "version ht"... is not valid JSON
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at GLTFLoader.parse (GLTFLoader.js:350:17)
    at Object.onLoad (GLTFLoader.js:245:11)
    at three.module.js:44214:38

Everything worked while I was building the site and serving it on my local server, but trying to get this published has been a real pain. I would appreciate any help!

Here is my repository link

and here is a snippet of the code in question:

const loader = new GLTFLoader(loadingManager);
let model;
loader.load('', function(gltf) {

  model = gltf.scene;
  model.rotation.set(0, Math.PI, 0);
  model.receiveShadow = true;

I tried hosting the files on other file hosting platforms (nothing fancy just dropbox and google drive to see if those would give different results because I found out that the pointer file GitHub had created in the process of storing this large file wasn’t the right format?)

So I think I just need to figure out what I can change in my code to fix this