How to prop Union Types in v-model of vue component :is?

I want to bind the value of apiRes to v-model, but typescript error occurred :

Here is the approximate code where I encountered the error.
How should I fix this?

Arguments of type { modelValue: Cars | undefined; } cannot be assigned to type NonNullable<(Partial<{}> & Omit<{ readonly modelValue?: Car | undefined; } & VNodeProps & AllowedComponentProps & ComponentCustomProps & Readonly<...> , never> & Record<...>) | (Partial<...> & ... 1 more ... & Record<...>)> & Parameters of Record<...>.
    <component :is="component" v-model="apiRes" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import test1 from './test1.vue'
import test2 from './test2.vue'
import { computed, ref } from 'vue'

export interface Car {
  age: number
  name: string

export interface Car2 {
  door: string
  cvt: string

type Cars = Car | Car2

const component = computed(() => {
  const random = Math.random()
  return random > 0.5 ? test1 : test2

const apiRes = ref<Cars>()

  <div>{{ props }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Car } from './test.vue'

const props = defineModel<Car>()

  <div>{{ props }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Car2 } from './test.vue'

const props = defineModel<Car2>()

If I change it to the following, the error disappears, but this might not be the correct solution.

const apiRes = ref({} as Car)