How to Dynamically Set Tooltip Background Colors in amCharts 5 PieChart?

I’m trying to set up a PieChart using amCharts 5, and I want to dynamically pass a color parameter to the tooltip so that each tooltip displays a different background color for each slice of the chart (as shown in the diagram). I have tried multiple approaches and events, but nothing seems to be working for me.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chartdiv"></div>
    // Create root and chart
    var root ="chartdiv");
    var chart = root.container.children.push(, {
            layout: root.verticalHorizontal

    // Define data
    var data = [{
        country: "France",
        sales: 100000,
        color: am5.color(0x87CEEB)
    }, {
        country: "Spain",
        sales: 160000,
        color: am5.color(0x228B22)
    }, {
        country: "United Kingdom",
        sales: 80000,
        color: am5.color(0xFF7F50)

    // Create series
    var series = chart.series.push(, {
            name: "Series",
            valueField: "sales",
            categoryField: "country"

    let tooltip =, {
        getFillFromSprite: false

        fill: am5.color(0xeeeeee)

    series.set("tooltip", tooltip);


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