Using Redux-Toolkit slice action with class components via connect HOC, does it require dispatch or not?

I have been working on an older code base with class components using Redux connect HOC. There are few RTK slices introduced before. I am abit confused as to why these 2 ways of using the action from the slice is working correctly (can see in Redux Toolkit that ways update the state and appear in the Actions panel (left hand side).

2 ways:

  1. with dispatch (updateAbc)
  2. without dispatch (updateXyz)

See example below

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
    return {
        updateAbc: (params) => dispatch(updateAbc(params)),

Both are from the slice file:

const sampleSlice = createSlice({
   name: 'sample',
   initialState: {},
   reducers: {
      updateAbc: () => { /* do something */},
      updateXyz: () => { /* do something */}
const { actions, reducer } = sampleSlice
export const {
} = actions

enter image description here

How come both are working or am I missing something or they are just both valid ways (but I don’t see how it dispatches it without the explicit call to dispatch)?