I know that if you have an opaque background, the previous frame appears. My goal is that the previous dots from previous frames will appear to give a streaking effect. However, setting the background and alpha value isn’t changing anything. It makes a streaking effect if I remove the p5.background()
entirely, but I don’t want the dots to stream infinitely.
import React from 'react';
import { ReactP5Wrapper } from "@p5-wrapper/react";
import "../../App.css";
const Flow = () => {
let w, h, nums;
let zOff = 0;
let scl = 0.005;
let speed = 2;
let particles = [];
let cursor;
const setup = (p5, canvasParentRef) => {
w = p5.windowWidth;
h = p5.windowHeight;
nums = 2000;
p5.createCanvas(w, h, p5.WEBGL).parent(canvasParentRef);
for (let i = 0; i < nums; i++) {
particles.push(p5.createVector(p5.random(w), p5.random(h)));
cursor = p5.createVector(p5.mouseX, p5.mouseY);
const draw = (p5) => {
const bgColor = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--main-bg-color').trim();
const bgColorValues = bgColor.match(/d+/g);
const r = parseInt(bgColorValues[0]);
const g = parseInt(bgColorValues[1]);
const b = parseInt(bgColorValues[2]);
p5.translate(-w / 2, -h / 2);
cursor.set(p5.mouseX, p5.mouseY);
for (let i = 0; i < nums; i++) {
let p = particles[i];
let distance = p5.dist(p.x, p.y, cursor.x, cursor.y);
if (distance < 50) {
let dir = p5.createVector(p.x, p.y);
let repulsion = 3;
let n = p5.noise(p.x * scl, p.y * scl, zOff);
let angle = p5.TWO_PI * n;
p.x += Math.cos(angle) * speed;
p.y += Math.sin(angle) * speed;
if (!onScreen(p, w, h)) {
p.x = p5.random(p5.windowWidth);
p.y = p5.random(p5.windowHeight);
p5.point(p.x, p.y);
zOff += 0.002;
const onScreen = (v, w, h) => {
return v.x >= 0 && v.x <= w && v.y >= 0 && v.y <= h;
const windowResized = (p5) => {
w = p5.windowWidth;
h = p5.windowHeight;
p5.resizeCanvas(w, h);
return (
<ReactP5Wrapper sketch={p => {
p.setup = () => setup(p);
p.draw = () => draw(p);
p.windowResized = () => windowResized(p);
export default Flow;