handle calling function exported from custom hook inside a useEffect reactjs

I have the following function which is used in multiple components to refresh a token:

// useRefresh is a custom hook
const refresh = useRefresh()

I have the following useEffect that should only really run on mount:

useEffect(() => {
    const handleRefresh = async () => {
        if (!tokenExpired || !isOpen) return
        const token = await refresh()
        tokenRef.current = token

    const fetchStories = async () => {
        if (isOpen === false) return

        try {
            const result = await axiosPrivate.get(`${BASE_URL}/api/users/stories/${userId}`, {
                headers: { "x-auth-token": tokenRef.current },
            dispatch(setUserStories({ userId, stories: result?.data?.stories }))
        } catch (err) {

    const handleMount = async () => {
        await handleRefresh()
        await fetchStories()
}, [isOpen, dispatch, axiosPrivate, userId, tokenExpired, refresh])

The problem I have is that this effect is ran in an infinite loop. this is due to the refresh function being recreated again and again.

I don’t want to wrap useCallback around the refresh function inside the custom hook as the refresh function is consumed in numerous components. I tried extracting the handleRefresh function outside the useEffect, and wrapped it inside a useCallback with empty dependency array, however I got a warning saying refresh is missing dependency to useCallback, and when I add it, the function is recreated on every render, defeating the purpose.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue? Thanks.