Get access to children numeric position within parent component(#1, #2,…) | Reactjs

I’m looking for a way to get access to position of each child component within it’s parent

I have a component called Slider which can have multiple child components. lets call them SliderSection and each SliderSection can have multiple SliderStep components.

It looks something like this:

        <SliderStep>step 1</SliderStep>
        <SliderStep>step 2</SliderStep>
        <SliderStep>step 3</SliderStep>
        <SliderStep>step 1</SliderStep>
        <SliderStep>step 1</SliderStep>
        <SliderStep>step 2</SliderStep>

there is a functionality inside both SliderSection and SliderStep which rely on the position of them inside the parent component(Slider)

i used to pass down their position number as a prop to each component like this:

by using props called sectionNum and stepNum

      <SliderSection sectionNum={1}>
        <SliderStep stepNum={1}></SliderStep>
        <SliderStep stepNum={2}></SliderStep>
        <SliderStep stepNum={3}></SliderStep>
      <SliderSection sectionNum={2}>
        <SliderStep stepNum={1}></SliderStep>
      <SliderSection sectionNum={3}>
        <SliderStep stepNum={1}></SliderStep>
        <SliderStep stepNum={2}></SliderStep>

notice how sectionNum starts from 1 and goes up for each SliderSection, sliderNum also starts from 1 and goes up for each SliderStep inside SliderSection and resets to 1 when SliderSection changes and goes up.(basically first step of each section stepNum is 1)

but this has some consequences beside not being automatic.

how can i get access to positions without manually passing props down?

why do i need this info inside SliderStep and SliderSection components?:

I want to be able to return null depending on some values(ex, don’t render step 2 if x is true) but since the sectionNum and stepNum props are hardcoded it will mess up the indexing of the slider so i need a way to handle this even if for example section#1-step#2 is not rendered internationally section#1-step#3 should change to section#1-step#2